How would you like a free copy of Windows Vista Ultimate, Office Ultimate 2007, Money Plus Premium, Streets and Trips 2008 or Microsoft Student with Encarta Premium 2008? Well one of these fine (or buggy as the case may be) products can be yours for the low low cost of nothing.
But wait, you’re saying, didn’t my momma tell me there’s no such thing as a free lunch? Well, your mom was apparently one smart cookie. Because while Microsoft is offering up these applications free of charge, the company would like something in return: the ability to look over your shoulder for a few months.
In a nutshell, Microsoft is seeking volunteers for its Windows Feedback Program. In order to qualify for the free goodies, you’ll have to fill out an occasional survey and install an application that will monitor your PC usage in the background for about 3 months.
Microsot uses your data to understand how users configure their systems, what hardware they use, and how Microsoft products work with various configurations. In other words, you’ll theoretically be helping Microsoft to make better products while getting free software. But if you’re the sort who values your privacy, this might not be the offer for you, since Microsoft will potentially be monitoring every game you play, pirated piece of software you download, or web site you visit.
The offer expires December 31.
[via Engadget and downloadsquad | Site]
vista ultimate is really a new swing in ms os. try 4 urself