Fedora 10 (Cambridge) is shaping up quite nicely, and runs really fast. Released today the latest version v10 after six month of hard work.
Fedora is a ?Linux based operating system that provides users with access to the latest free and open source software, in a stable, secure and easy to manage form. We strongly believe in the bedrock principles that created all the components of our operating system, and because of this we guarantee that Fedora will always be free for anybody, anywhere, to use, modify and distribute.
Fedora 10 Feature List
- Gnome version 2.24 and KDE version 4.1.2
- The 2.6.27 kernel, including providing better support Wi-Fi and webcams in general (more than 250 new models are supported).
- Sharing wireless connections to share ad hoc networks
- Better installation, and better use of printers thanks to improved management tools
- Better support for infrared remote controls
- Creating virtual machines remotely
Firefox 3.0
The installation
The installation remains the classical and similar to other versions. Simple, fast and accessible to novice users.
Fedora 10 comes with a new Skin. It’s called Solar, very well done and pleasant to watch.
Faster startup and fully graphical.
OpenOffice 3.0
SecTool, a Security Audit
SecTool To install, just run the following command in a terminal root:
yum install sectool sectool-gui