Finally I update the last version of the script, WordPress 10 days ago release the lasted version with new features and bug fixes. I make also some modification on code tag view (see preview below 🙂 ) and we have also avatar for comments. If your theme don’t support WordPress avatar just open comments.php file and find:
<?php comment_author_link() ?>
and paste this code:
<?php echo get_avatar( $comment, 32 ); ?>
Another Check Point for me is to make a custom theme for the site…This current theme is hardest coded by me 😉 and need a lot of time to load, so will be a lot of work to have all this things for the new one. If someone can help me with some ideas for the new theme I will appreciate a lot.
Thanks every one for visiting this blog. See you around with new hacks and a lot of free stuff.