Tag operation system

Download Eeebuntu OS for Asus Netbook

A version of Ubuntu designed especially for the Eee Asus Netbook. It is an ideal alternative for those with Xandros as well as for having XP. This new version is based on the latest release of Ubuntu, with built in…

Register Organizer

Reg Organizer is an extensive and extremely powerful set of Registry tools required for effective System Registry management. This software lets you view, edit and safely clean the Registry. It allows to preview the Registry files you want to import…

Fedora 9

Fedora 9 has been released: “The Fedora Project, a Red Hat sponsored and community-supported open source collaboration, today announced the availability of Fedora 9, the latest version of its open source operating system distribution. Highlights: PackageKit, a cross-distribution package management…

Windows Vista Top ten terrible tech products

Windows Vista Any operating system that provokes a campaign for its predecessor’s reintroduction deserves to be classed as terrible technology. Any operating system that quietly has a downgrade-to- previous-edition option introduced for PC makers deserves to be classed as terrible…