Feedburner is the most used RSS subscriber service for bloggers. If you want to display to your readers just a thumbnail of the post, instead of tweaking your theme add e few lines on the functions.php file.
Open the functions.php file on your theme, and place this code:
function rss_post_thumbnail($content) { global $post; if(has_post_thumbnail($post->ID)) { $content = '' . get_the_post_thumbnail($post->ID) . '
' . get_the_content(); } return $content; } add_filter('the_excerpt_rss', 'rss_post_thumbnail'); add_filter('the_content_feed', 'rss_post_thumbnail');
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is this working for RSS reader wordpress widget…?? i looking for way to insert thumbnails image in rss widget..anyone..?
Are you using featured images?