Hide and protect your WP plug-ins and themes folder


You are in a WordPress site and want to know what plug-ins is using that site or what themes? This is very simply do to, just browse websitename.ltd/wp-content/plugins and you will see a similar screen-shot as a made above the post. The same for themes /wp-content/plugins and wala! All the files and all the themes name.

But if you are a webmaster and you want to hide this or "protect"?! In two simply ways I want to show you how to add some hacks to your WordPress plug-ins and theme folder.

First Method index file: For the first method you have to create a html blank page called index.html

Open your FTP program and login to your host/server. Browse to yourbog/wp-content/plugins and upload the file that your create index.html. And the same for the other folders where an index file is missing.

If you prefer you can add a redirect code in you index file:

<meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" content="0; url=http://www.yourdomain.com/">

so every time that someone is trying to browse your web folders will be redirect to blog homepage

Second method .htaccess: Open a text editor like notepad++ or crimson editor and create a file called .htaccess

Type the following code replacing your domain:

Redirect 301 / http://www.example.com/

Upload the file where index file is missing in your host files.

That’s all! Hope you enjoy this short guide. Comment what your think or if need any help!

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  1. htaccess is better way, however not all hosting providers will support it, the easiest is to copy index.php from wp-content “” and paste to themes and plugins folder. The above code is to show you what is in that index.php page.

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