Share Linux Folders to Windows Users

Problem : How to access my files on Linux Box from my Windows XP pc. But I dont anyone else access those.

Step 1: On Linux Box

a) Install Samba Server (If not installed)

Start Package Manager by going to Applications -> Add/Remove programs

Choose “Servers” and make sure “Windows File Server” is checked. If not check and Click Apply. It will download and install samba and dependencies.

b) Configure Samba

Launch Samba Configuration screen

System ->  Adminstration -> Server Settings -> Samba

Then that screen

Preferences -> Server Settings

In ‘Basic’ , Section choose a unique name for your share

In ‘Security’ Section  choose  ‘User’ and make sure ‘Encrypt Password’ is’Yes’ and ‘Guest Account’ is ‘No Guest Account’. There are usualy default options already selected

Then  ‘Preferences’ -> Samba Users

Here select your linux system user name and choose a username for windows ( I chose same name as linux user but its upto you… say you choose linux user is ‘bob’ and name given for windows user name  is ‘David’ and password is say ‘ Hillary’….. this passwor NEED NOT be your linux password or any other password you use on windows…its just a password for this share for David……)

c) Now add a ShareIn Samba Server Configuration Screen ,  Select ‘Add Share’ and Choose directory you want to access from windows…. and give a some description…….

Then  in Access Tab, select “Only allow access” to ‘David’

d) Now Start Samba Server

Launch Services Configuration by selecting

System–> Administration –> ServerSettings -> Services

In lefthand side, make sure to check ’smb”… it would start the smb and other required services

e)  Change Firewall Setting to allow Samba to be accessed

Launch firewall settings by selecting

Sytem -> Administation -> Security Level and Firewall

Then in trusted Services, Select ‘Samba’ and click Ok

Step 2: On Windows Box

Now access you share using VNC name……   \\yourlinuxboxname or IP\  it prompts you for userid password…..   use ‘David’ and ‘Hillary’……  thats it!

{via nlakkakula blog}

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