Tag ubuntu linux
Upgrade your Ubuntu Desktop
Ubuntu is 10 years old. Celebrating with Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) release and new opportunity for developers. Small changes are made on this release but the general theme for 14.10 on the desktop was one of bug fixes and incremental…
How to Install SchoolTool in Ubuntu
SchoolTool is an open source, web based student information system designed for schools in the developing world, with strong support for translation, localization and automated deployment and updates via the Ubuntu Linux installer and package management system.
Try the Ubuntu Utopic Unicorn Beta
The first beta is ready for download and testing, including Xubuntu, Lubuntu, Kubuntu, Ubuntu Kylin and Ubuntu GNOME. There are several updates for every distribution. Weather and Maps apps installed by default on Ubuntu Gnome and KDE is testing Plasma…
How to Upgrade Ubuntu to version 14.04
Before we start the upgrade, is highly recommend to make a data backup. Currently is the beta version 14.04 and is not recommended to run on main computers. The final version 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) will come in less than one…
Upgrading to Ubuntu 9.10
Since the Ubuntu 9.10 is coming October 29th, for those who like to taste the new (beta) features here is the short how to guide to upgrade your Ubuntu Desktop. The Ubuntu developers are moving quickly to bring you the…
Are you ready for Ubuntu 9.04
Upgrading from Ubuntu 8.10 To upgrade from Ubuntu 8.10 on a desktop system, press Alt+F2 and type in update-manager -d into the command box. Update Manager should open up and tell you: New distribution release ‘9.04’ is available. Click Upgrade…