Tag Free Icons

CSS Notification Windows

Nice and clean notification windows for your website. The script contains pure CSS icons and very nice colors. Before you can download it you can have a look to the demo page. If you have problems implementing it just leave…

200+ Google+ Free Icons

Freebies are always welcome. This is a set with 204 Google Plus Interface Icons by Web Design Shock. The freebie includes both vector (PNG) and pixel perfect (PSD) sources, color and gray versions and different sizes. Download Google Plus Interface…

Gmail: Replace Toolbar Icons with Text

Using the new Gmail Interface sometimes we have to be carful what toolbar icon are we clicking. To be sure, personally I hold over the mouse for the pop up text before I click any actions. If you don’t like…

Sweets Icon Pack

Yummygum is back with another iconSweets. A huge free icon set containing over a 1,000+ icons, all in a vector-shaped Photoshop format. iconSweets2 will crunch your icon thirst for all of your iPhone, iPad & Android apps or new web…

84 Pure CSS Free GUI Icons

I want to share today these experimental CSS icons that works great with the recent browsers. 84 simple GUI icons created using only CSS and semantic HTML. The Demo Page contains the full set of user interaction and media player…

500+100 Free mini Icons

Here you have very nice Mini Icons free to download and use. The first set consist in 500 transparent PNGs at 20×20 pixels and you can download under the name: The spirit20 icon set. The second set called; Boolean: The…