Category Linux

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Download Eeebuntu OS for Asus Netbook

A version of Ubuntu designed especially for the Eee Asus Netbook. It is an ideal alternative for those with Xandros as well as for having XP. This new version is based on the latest release of Ubuntu, with built in…

Free Outlook like for Ubuntu – Unison

Unison is a mix between Skype, Messenger and Outlook. It appears to be aesthetically pretty as it offers calendars, contacts and many others options. The calls system works pretty well, but the state busy is not available during a call.…

Released Ubuntu 8.10 – How to Upgrade

Today Ubuntu 8.10 Desktop Edition is available for free download and simultaneous Canonical Ltd. release Ubuntu 8.10 Server Edition. Ubuntu 8.10 Desktop Edition is designed for the pervasively connected digital lifestyle. With new 3G network support, users can move smoothly…

Virtual drive in Linux with AcetoneISO

Daemon tools in Linux is called AcetoneISO where yuo can mount and unmount ISO,MDF,NRG Images. AcetoneISO is CD/DVD image manipulator for Linux. AcetoneISO Features Mount and Unmount ISO, MDF, NRG (if iso-9660 standard) Convert / Extract / Browse to ISO…

Be careful to Malicious Commands in Ubuntu

Users in Ubuntu (UNIX) use a lot the Terminal window to run different commands. But some of this commands can be extremely dangerous for you system. From these commands your files can be deleted, a huge number of processes can…

Download Adobe AIR Beta for Linux

For the Linux users, Adobe launch the beta version of Adobe AIR. The new features include support for system tray icons, keyboard shortcuts, localization, internationalized input (IME support), filetype registration, SWF and PDF in HTML, multi-monitor support, fullscreen mode, encrypted…