Red Karaoke is a free online karaoke service over the Internet . You can choose a song from the Red Karaoke database, sing it and record it, entirely through the network browser and without having to install a karaoke program in their computers. All a user has to do to be able to record a song is register for free on Red Karaokeand use a microphone for the recording .
I just was recording and singing the "4 minutes" Maddona. Really cool. After that i finisht the song, will be available to all users, who can reproduce it, vote on the performance and add comments or send messages to the singer. The vote total will generate listings and rankings of the best singers.
so that if you cannot find a song that wants to sing on the Internet, you can load your .kar file and then record the song to be added as one more tune. Kar files uploaded to the system by users are instantly available to other users of Red Karaoke.