Tag Os Linux

Set up a mail server on Linux

A simple guide how to set up a basic Postfix mail server with IMAP and POP3 services. It does not included advanced topics such as integrating virus-checking and spam-filtering. Setup Overview In our setup, Postfix sends and receives mail from…

3 places for your problems with Ubuntu

Here are some place when you are in trouble with Ubuntu Linux. Forums and IRC channel where you get help in a very short time…les than 1 min. Ubuntuforums.org is one of the biggest bulletin board dedicated to Ubuntu. Everything…

Best of Open Source Software – Linux Ubuntu

LONDON, October 15, 2007 – Canonical Ltd. announced today the upcoming availability of version 7.10 of the Ubuntu Server, Desktop, Kubuntu and Edubuntu Editions. All will be available for free download on Thursday 18 October. Canonical is the commercial sponsor…

Pre-Order Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon for Free

<img id=”countdownimage” src=”http://www.ubuntu.com/files/countdown/dist/710countdown_default.png” width=”199″ height=”164″ alt=”Ubuntu 7.10 – Coming soon”> Requesting CDs from ShipIt for free Ubuntu is available free of charge and we can send you CDs of the latest version (7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon)) with no extra cost, but…

38 Free Icon Checkpoints

Mini Pixel Icons 1. FamFamFam – most popular free silk icon sets in the internet. 2. Tango Icon Library – hundreds of desktop icon sets. 3. 2pt3 – five sets of square bullet icons. 4. Drunkey Love Iconset – consists…