Laptop vs Surface

A version of Ubuntu designed especially for the Eee Asus Netbook. It is an ideal alternative for those with Xandros as well as for having XP. This new version is based on the latest release of Ubuntu, with built in…
Are your using a laptop? If yes here is a great tool for your battery, shows minutes that you have till the battery goes empty. BatteryBar is a simple, straight-forward, battery meter that displays your battery status in your taskbar.…
LocatePC is free software, and runs unobtrusively on your computer, with no icons, popups or saved emails. If your computer is stolen then the thief will not even know that LocatePC is running, and as soon as they connect to…
Introduction to BIOS Passwords The best method to reset a BIOS password depends on what BIOS the computer has. Common BIOS’s include AMI, Award, IBM and Phoenix. Numerous other BIOS’s do exist, but these are the most common. Some BIOS’s…
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