Tag iPhone

Copy Paste and Rich Text Editor for iPhone

No one knows when Apple will add a copy and paste function to the iPhone, but one company called Proximi proves it can be done by adding it to a new application called MagicPad. MagicPad is essentially better than the…

WordPress for iPhone Officially Available

WordPress for iPhone just launched on the App Store. Download it now and get to blogging. More information about the project and how the users can contribute will be published soon. Here is what you’ll get with this new iPhone…

How to take Screenshots of iPhone Screen

Take Screenshots of iPhone Screen 1. Press the front button on the iPhone. 2. Hold down the power button on top of iPhone simultaneously. 3. The iPhone screen will flash momentarily 4. Your screenshot is saved in a new folder…

Is your blog ready for 3G iPhone?

Now iPhone is available in more countries and many users will use iPhone to search on the net, play and read our blog. But is you WP Blog ready for this? Maybe not or yes, but you can make it…