Tag firewall

Free virus checker for Mac OS

Even Mac OS X risk infection by viruses. Published on the website of the company, where Apple recommends its users to use antivirus. There are suggested three commercial antivirus products, perhaps remember that are also free solutions as ClamXav.

Firestarter Firewall for Ubuntu

Firestarter is an Open Source visual firewall program. The software aims to combine ease of use with powerful features, therefore serving both Linux desktop users and system administrators. Why you need a firewall A firewall does not guarantee security but…

Zone Alarm – Get Into the Zone

Malware. An odd sounding word created to lump all malicious software programs, including viruses, worms, trojans, spyware, adware, and other malevolent codes into one cause-your-computer-serious-hurt category.In 2005, Computer Economics released a report on malware. The good news was that for…