Tag computer

Download Eeebuntu OS for Asus Netbook

A version of Ubuntu designed especially for the Eee Asus Netbook. It is an ideal alternative for those with Xandros as well as for having XP. This new version is based on the latest release of Ubuntu, with built in…

eLearning – What is IPv6?

Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) is a network layer protocol for packet-switched internetworks. It is designated as the successor of IPv4, the current version of the Internet Protocol, for general use on the Internet.The main improvement brought by IPv6 is…

eLearning – Overclocking

Overclocking is the process of forcing a computer component to run at a higher clock rate than it was designed for or was designated by the manufacturer.Overclocking is usually practiced by PC enthusiasts in order to increase the performance of…

Trojan Horse – Now the targets are Mac users

Security research company Intego on Monday issued a security alert about a new Trojan Horse called OSX.RSPlug.A that specifically targets Mac users. The Trojan is a form of DNSChanger that changes the Mac’s Domain Name Server (DNS) address.According to Intego,…