Tag icon set

Web Injection Icons for Webmaster

WebInjection is an Icon Pack for webmasters and web developers. The set includes 26 stylish icons, each icon is a .png at 4x×48px. It is free for use in your personal and commercial projects, and can be used without attribution.…

Free Easter Bunny Icon Set by IconDock

This icon set include 44 cute Easter icons that you can use for web and print design. Icons include: bunnies, birdies, Easter eggs, and candy bars. You can use them to spirit up your blog themes or to design your…

Incredible set with 460+ free icons

This pack contains images of every symbols, from arrows and icons to user comments, tags, files, favorites, edit icons, add icons etc. So this is a perfect pack for your web project or software.

Free Functions Icon Set

A beautiful set of 128 Icons, they are available in 48x48px. These free icons are exactly that, free! You can use them anywhere. Published by wefuncion and Included some of the main Social Media Icons such as: Design Float, Digg,…