Category Open Source
Open Source
Open Source apps for Mac and Windows
Open Source is a set of principles and practices on how to write software, the most important of which is that the source code is openly available. I have Two sites to suggest, with open source applications for Mac and…
Why Linux Doesn’t Spread – the Curse of Being Free
Linux isn’t very popular on the desktop. It’s a far third behind OS X, which is a very far second behind Windows. Most people cite pre-installed operating systems as the reason. But as a student of psychology, I see something…
KDE 4.0 Coming In January
The KDE Release Team has decided to release KDE 4.0 this coming January. The release was originally planned for mid-December. The KDE developers want to solve a couple of essential issues before releasing. Having solved some of those issues,…
Pre-Order Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon for Free
<img id=”countdownimage” src=”” width=”199″ height=”164″ alt=”Ubuntu 7.10 – Coming soon”> Requesting CDs from ShipIt for free Ubuntu is available free of charge and we can send you CDs of the latest version (7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon)) with no extra cost, but…
Linux Ubuntu: Gutsy Upgrades
Gutsy Gibbon Ubuntu 7.10 is the current DEVELOPMENT version of the Ubuntu operating system. It will be released October, 2007. The common name given to this release from the time of its early development was “Gutsy Gibbon”. Before you start…
TOP 100+ best Free Opensource Software for windows XP and Vista-PART2
Personal Finance TurboCASH Simple, easy to use application for managing personal finances. Download Page Quasar Easy to use Accounting package Download Page Chat Clients AMSN MSN Messenger client written in TCL/TK AMSN Messenger XChat IRC Client X-Chat More Web Browsing…