Category Internet


User Agent for iPhone

Maybe you are asking: What we need the User Agent for iPhone? In fact you don’t need it a lot if you have an iPhone, if not I’m sure that you need. For example there are a lot of serviceā€¦

Solar Eclipse on August 1

On August 1, the total eclipse will be visible from within a narrow corridor that traverses half the Earth. The eclipse will be visible in parts of Canada, northern Greenland, the Arctic, central Russia, Mongolia and China. If you liveā€¦

Backup for Your Emails

MailStore Home enables you to backup all your email messages from multiple applications and accounts into one secure and persistent archive. Lightning-fast search, one-click backup, powerful export – all information from your email is at your fingertips anytime. Never loseā€¦

Is your blog ready for 3G iPhone?

Now iPhone is available in more countries and many users will use iPhone to search on the net, play and read our blog. But is you WP Blog ready for this? Maybe not or yes, but you can make itā€¦